
The courses organized in the frame of the PhD programme in Food Systems are listed below and each one will be proposed once every three years. For specific info contact the specific course teacher.

Once the new edition of each course will be activated, the teaching material and other info of the specific courses will be updated in the ARIEL site icona-del-lucchetto_318-42569 of the PhD programme in Food Systems. The access to the ARIEL site is restricted to the students and teachers of the PhD programme in Food Systems.

The full list of the University training activities (Transferable skills – soft skills) is listed here. Other compulsory courses (“Cross disciplinary activities”) will be centrally organized by the University. They can be found here.

Expected Short Lectures for 2024.

Expected courses for 2024-2025):

– English writing and communication in food, health, environmental and nutritional sectors (28 hours). Planned for January 2025. Mandatory for students attending the first year.

– Exploiting innovative food formulations to increase food systems sustainability (20 hours). Planned for November-December 2024, mandatory for students attending the second year.

– Regulatory and legislative framework for novel foods (42 hours). Planned for October 2024, mandatory for students attending the third year.

– Innovative approaches for the characterizazation and activity assays of phytochemicals and their in vivo metabolites (15 hours). Planned for March 2025.

– ABC of Video communication of science: filming methods to learn the method (20 hours). Planned for January 2025.

– Solving the Human Microbiota Puzzle: Theory, Practice, and Statistical Analysis (15 hours). Planned for February 2025.


English writing and communication in food, health, environmental and nutritional sectors

Coordinator: Prof. Adrian Wallwork

Teachers: Prof. Adrian Wallwork, Prof. Daniela Lupi and Prof. Daniela Fracassetti

The course (28 h, 5 CFU) teaches how to write and present a scientific article in the food, nutritional and environmental sectors and more generally how to effectively communicate the results of research. These skills can be applied to the most diverse situations with which the research doctor will have to interface during his professional life, in the private sector, in public engagement activities and in the academic field.

Participation is compulsory for students enrolled to the first year.

The agenda of the lessons is listed below:

January 13th, 15th, 20th, 22th, 29th, 2025 (ONLINE 08:30-10:30)

10th February and 14th February 2025,  9:30-12:30 and 13:15-15:15, IN CLASS, room C24

Exploiting innovative food formulations to increase food systems sustainability

Coordinator: Prof. Monica Laureati

Teachers: Daniela Martini, Paolo D’Incecco, Alessandra Marti, Dimitrios Fessas, Alberto Barbiroli, Stefania Iametti, Stefano Renzetti Wageningen University, Sara Limbo, Martina Letizia Contente, Andrea Kunova, Daniela Bulgari, Monica Laureati

The course (20 h, frontal lessons) aims to provide the knowledge to understand the nutritional, sensory, technological, safety and sustainability aspects involved in the reformulation of food products from an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective. The course will introduce the concept of a healthy diet, analyzing the critical factors of food systems that influence their sustainability. Furthermore, the course will allow the acquisition of knowledge about the macromolecular organization of foods, as well as the technological aspects for food design and development also considering agri-food waste that is inevitably generated in the entire production process. Particular attention will also be paid to the criteria and methods for evaluating the safety and sustainability of chemical substances and materials that enter, directly and indirectly, the food supply chain and to aspects linked to consumer perception and the strategies to optimize the sensory quality of reformulated products.

Participation is compulsory for students enrolled to the second year.

Lessons will be face to face and the course will be held on the following dates:

Monday, 25 November 2024

Classroom C01, Colombo M

13.30 – 16.30, M. Laureati, D. Martini
Presentation of the course and introduction to food reformulation / From concept to needs of sustainable healthy diet and food system: challenges and opportunities

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Classroom C03, Colombo M

10.30 – 12.30, S. Renzetti
Relevance of food structuring and macromolecular organization to food formulation and design

13.30 – 15.30, S. Renzetti
Holistic formulation design: uncoupling texture from composition for unlocking the potential of healthy and sustainable ingredients

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Classroom C01, Colombo M

14.30 – 17.30, A. Marti, P. D’Incecco
Relevance of processing to food formulation and design

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Classroom M01 – Via Mangiagalli 31

10.30-12.30, S. Limbo
A Safe and Sustainable by Design Approach to Support Waste Valorization in Food Packaging Innovation

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Classroom 3 Agraria Edificio 9– Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

11.30 – 12.30, S. Iametti

13.30 – 15.00, A. Barbiroli

Relevance of food structuring and macromolecular organization to food formulation and design: spectroscopic techniques to address structural and functional features of food biomolecules

15.00 – 16.30, D. Fessas

Relevance of food structuring and macromolecular organization to food formulation and design: the Thermal Analysis approach

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Classroom C22– Faculty of Agricultural Science, Building 6

10.30 – 12.30, M. Contente, D. Bulgari, A. Kunova
Valorization of molecules and macromolecules from agrifood waste and by-products through sustainable extraction techniques and bioprocesses

13.30 – 15.30, M. Contente, D. Bulgari, A. Kunova
Valorization of molecules and macromolecules from agrifood waste and by-products through sustainable extraction techniques and bioprocesses

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Classroom C05, Colombo M

13.30 – 15.30, M. Laureati
Consumer perception and strategies for optimizing the sensory quality of reformulated products



